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Baird´s Sandpiper(ID:7948)
Calidris bairdii


Number of individuals: 1
Age: Juvenile
Sex: Unknown
Observation date: November 5, 1995

Source of information: 
Uploader: Zeke Tamás
Observer(s): Zeke Tamás , Guba Zsuzsanna, Seprényi Attila
Finder: Zeke Tamás
Photographer: Zeke Tamás

Location: Hortobágyi halastó V.
Town: Hortobágy
County: Hajdú-Bihar (H)
GPS Coordinates: (47.5868751, 21.1560332)

Note: The small sandpiper was feeding in the drained fishpond for the whole day. We wanted to see it in the next day as well, but during the night a big snowfall occured and everything was frozen in the next day! It is a very special wheather in this region and very rare. The lake was a huge one, so it was difficult to check the bird thoroughly. The main features: smaller than Dunlin and quite elongated with a shorter bill and obvious buff on the breast. No prominent supercilium and the back without white stripes, but whitish edge to the coverts made it to appear quite light. In flight clerly visible wingbar, but the rump was not white completely, only a small edge of the rump.



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